pearl harbor day

history politics

It’s Pearl Harbor Day. There should be a national 9/11 holiday. Instead of a pointless war against a country that had nothing to do with it. Bush, that man got stellar approval ratings when he promised cowboy like to ‘smoke them out’. Well, he failed, if you simplify the issue as the administration actually did for a while: OBL is still at large.

the hissing zeppelin

economy history misc

house prices

3.9 Million houses for sale. Average price at 221,000 US$. That makes for 0.861 Trillion dollars worth of real estate waiting to be moved.
Sizable, even if you compare it the US federal budget

wii break things

history media

the Wii controller is the thing that you move around like crazy. Good idea. And a bad idea. Ikea will be happy. Health insurances wont.


history politics

As expected Mr Hussein has been convicted for crimes he commited in 1982.
Unrelated the voices get louder that call for the resignation of Mr Rumsfeld.

A google image search for both will show an image of both men in 1984. Back then Iraq was a friend of the US, since they would wage war against Iran.

timely verdict

history politics

After being in captivity for 1059 days the verdict against Saddam Hussein is expected for tomorrow. Two days before elections in the USA.

in words we trust

history politics

amazing web application


history internet marketing media

Mark Cuban gives a name to the other end of the long tail: “Vert Ramp”

surprising alliance

history M$ technology

Two kings got together. No, not those. This times it is Novell and Microsoft. To do Linux.

Without having the time or intention to go into detail of the press release the headlines and sound bites read pretty hilarously. Let’s just pause for a second and look back: Microsoft did try everything they could to stop or surpress Linux. For years. They fucking failed. Language? Yes, it is justitified. Since this is a big deal. Not the announcement of Novell and Microsoft doing whatever they feel like doing. The big deal is that Microsoft was unable to win against Linux. They still dominate the desktop, and probably will for years to come. But they lost billions in server revenue. Not to somebody. They simply could not make the money. Nobody did, since Linux is essentially free. If the last sentense should prompt thoughts like “that’s communism” or “but there is total cost of ownership” in your mind, then let me tell you, since today I can, and it is oh so sweet: You merely parrot Microsoft prograganda of a past aera here. Not even the people that paid millions so that you would think these things claim that anymore. Yes, there is also corporate flip floping. No, Ballmer did not stay the course. He never did say that either.

Today it’s allot of fun to quote Sun Tzu:

According to my assessment, even if you have many more troops than others, how can that help you to victory?


history politics technology

Democracy is based on people casting a vote. Making the act to vote more complicated than it needs to be is a simply a criminal act against the spirit of Democracy. In developed Democracies you vote by taking a thick pencil and making a cross inside of a circle. That’s it. Since decades. Works always and there is nothing wrong with that. It’s the best way of doing this. In 2000 there was a bit of a stir up in the USA around punch cards, butterfly ballots and hanging chads. The remedy was not to abandon complicated things. It was to add more layers of technology. Which defies logic and furhter dilutes the act of voting. This kind of story is to be expected. Actually the whole vote fraud idea deters people from voting, instead of motivating them. Which means that democracy looses it’s foundation.
If you have any doubts about mal intend around the voting process just look up “Gerrymandering”. But sure the US has all the rights to wage war on the other side of the planet to find WMD, retaliate 911 spread Democracy. I wonder if those painted index fingers were collored diebold. Probably not, since the color would dissapear within seconds in that case.

viral media

confessions of a pixel pusher history internet media

Advertising Age is raving about Dove’s “Evolution”. Their headline reads “Better ROI From YouTube Video Than Super Bowl Spot”. Now that’s what some people want to hear. And it leaves reason behind. Jumping head over heals into the current media internet bubble bath.
The Dove campaign is great. How often is there an ad for a cosmetic product that I want to show to my daughter? It certainly works on the internet. Because of it’s content. Certain content will work well on the internet. But let’s face it, if something works really well it will get killed by it’s own success: Today you can find a video of mentos + coke on Google Video. It is prominently featured on the google Blog.
Dove is great since it’s decent and sells soap. Are you feeling having a Diet-Coke or Mentos after watching the latest and lamest sticky liquid orgy? Certainly not. Actually with todays video dropping Mentos into big soda bottles becomes officially lame. The Meme has suffocated itself under it’s own weight.

Cnet however sings a different song. I wonder how many kids run around now with the video cameras to do the ‘next big thing’.