the worst thing I have seen in a while

art confessions of a pixel pusher history misc

Lot’s of blog rave about thiscomputer animation right now.

I think it is horrible. Smetana is easy to abuse and misunderstand. Dragging Fallingwater into this is just horrible. The first couple of seconds of this Quicktime from hell are nice enough. Although the font choice and especially the animated glow should have been a clear sign of trouble. Fallingwater is one of the more important things that have been made in the last century. Seing it disolved to death is pure horror. The tasteless low point was certainly the eschereseque pan away from that mirror ball.

Not much more to say than this

art communication marketing

business cards

lots of ideas it seems.

hack tv

art BlogsNow media

From what I read (cursory) the tchech artist Roman Tyc replaced the usual live landscape images to been at this time of day with this recording. This seems to be a rare case that the local german paper reported such mixed / pseudo news before BlogsNow. Usually it’s the other round.

Roman Tyc did replace some traffic signs in April in Praque

time design

art technology

Yet another way of reading time

Which got me looking and I found, that Yugo Nakamura is still writing down time.

Of course he is cheating, while Roman Opalka is not.

In Germany this device got some attention 30 years ago.

40 years


Sgt Pepper forty years.

Listened to it 3 times in a row at 2am on deck of some dodgy vessel in the middle of the mediterian in August 1993. Portable CD player. Hard to forget.


art internet media

morphing had been around for a while.
All of these images as well. Still needed youTube to get this out:

I am not a fan of this implementation. The idea itself is great. A bit more understand of art history would have been helpful. The track I can mute, the jumps in time and obvious omissions are harder to fade out. Maybe this time the rip-off in a commercial (bank, insurance, dove soap?) will be better than the you-tube-inspiration?

performance art

art media politics technology

I am usually not a big fan of performance art. The whole ‘let’s put a human in a Zoo’ situation is so predictabiliy of interest.
This art installation combines it with a painball gun controlled over the internet, which isn’t new either, and makes it actually interesting. Horrible too.



twexus @ appartment therapy

nice. that the work still makes sense after 4 years. Which is probably a long time for an internet art site.


art technology

cause + implementation = constant

art media politics

Why is it, that the good causes have always the worst
implementation of their communication attempts?

Hummer commercials are pretty cool. The car is pretty much the definiton of ‘sucks ass’. Ah, there is the ‘Sucks-Ass-one’, look how small the ‘Sucks-Ass-Three’ actually is. The commericals are pretty good though.

Maybe the sixteenth chapel is the way it is, since Mr Buonarrotti did it to pay the bills?