the switch in the light of todays IBM news


interesting editorial at ars technica
about the Apple IBM to Intel switch. IBM has reveal dual core Laptop G5s today.

book recomendation


decent intro book about quicktime

this day barely has started


and at half past one I alreadh have saved 20 minutes of tedious legacy research. thanks spotlight.

slogger + spotlight = bliss

Apple internet

installing slogger on OS X is still a bit tricky. But now with
spotlight I think this will be great. Making my computer
remember things. That is a sound concept. Let’s see when
I run out of space …

how could I


use computers for twenty years without spotlight.
I wanted it since three years, and it is nice that I did
not have to write it myself.



is a software company

g5 with an issue

Apple technology

DVIsochComponent.c:1191: failed assertion `!(deviceDescriptionPtr->clock == 0)’

we use firewire to video bridges from Canopus. Lots of them, the ADVC 100 and 110 are quiet nice. Seem to work very reliably.

One of our G5s however stopped cooperating after we install 10.4.
The other G5 we have is fine, and so are all G4 based installtions.
If I would not have found this then I would think it would be a hardware bug. Like this it sounds like a 10.4.1 problem.


Apple history internet politics

I had been a while. I used skype again today, and I must say it works great. Right now there are 2.6 Million users online. Not bad.

George Bush wanted to go to war in Iraq the day he became elected. After 9/11 it was a done deal. Everybody knew that. But he denied it. He talked allot about a connection with 9/11 (not existant) or WMDs (not existant). Somewhere I saw a bumper sticker that read “Nobody died when Clinton lied”.

The Downing Street Memo’s are clear evidence that President Bush lied in matters of war and peace.
Thousands died, Billions were spent, and, yes, George sat in an Airplane that landed on an aircraft carrrier. “Mission Accomplished” it said on the banner behind him. That was years and hundreds of US casulties ago.

It is time for realities to catch up with George W Bush. I anticipate lots of disctractions. Maybe they even raise the thread alert to orange. Whatever happened to that little color system? After the election it seemed not to be needed anymore. Or have all Terrorists retired? Strange that we forget about that one. It will come back if needed, I am sure.

Apple? Apple will be a software company. OS X runs on Pentium. There will be a choice: Run Windows or run OS X. It is easy, once all the Applications exist as Pentium/PowerPC binaries. Drivers and all the legacy hardware? Apple will simply ignore that. Keep things simple. Just certain boards, busses and cards will be supported. But the variety in interfaces is declining anyway. Apple does not need 100% of the market. The more afluent 40% are good enough. For every hardware sell they loose they get 20 new OS X users. Those might not even buy the OS. But they will run iTunes, buy songs, and at some point movies.

It is really hard to find _anybody_ that gets excited about it.

macintel (II)

Apple history

January 2004
and the internet was in uproar about this.

Those dev kits Apple ships now don’t look that different. OK, they skipped the green light …



over at arstechnica we read:

… the ongoing psychological effect of having a clean, elegant, technologically advanced RISC architecture at the heart of the Mac platform was a far more important factor in Apple’s competitiveness than the Mac’s actual benchmark numbers at any given moment.

so true.