one company promises and the other one will deliver.

Apple M$ technology

And winFS will come from Apple after all.

At least Longhorn is on track. Timewise. Just that WinFS will not make it. Poor Microsoft: They announce a book deal, and nobody cares. If Google or Apple do anything the world is jumping up and down in excitement.

Microfost only gets the attention if Balmer jumps up and down.

funny logic


apple gets great press because Journalists use apples

The good old MSM is twisting realities myth with a new spin.
What is really amazing is that Dvorak writes that everybody uses Macs. This would bias the reporting.
This is from his column:

... all say that they use a Mac "because it is better." Right. And that attitude doesn't affect coverage now, does it?

Maybe, it is, gulp, just better.
Should I mention the total absence of malware?
I have not spend a single cent on antivirus software. I wonder how much Mr Dvorak had to do in order to still be in the internet …

global umask for Apple os x 10.4 Tiger


this article speaks indeed the truth
Let’s say you want to make all files you create read writable by all other users then you would set a


in unix. Well, OS X is a bit different here. What worked for me was:

sudo chmod g+w /Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist
open $!

The plist editor should come up (if you have Xcode installed).
Select the root branch and add a child called


and change its type to


save. reboot. enjoy
if you hose your system by doing this, then let me remind you that I don’t take responsibility for that.

using google for notekeeping

Apple google technology

just spent hours with ImageMagick installations that would result in ‘freetype not found’ messages. While the problem simply was that during the source configuration /usr/local/bin/ was not in the path.
And, I should remember when exactly I remembered this.

the littlle iBook

Apple misc

one point five giga bytes of memory:

And now it runs real smooth. If you OS X machine does not make you happy in terms of performance then spent
40 seconds on the following:

Activity Monitor
Window -> Activity Monitor
System Memory (in the lower third of the screen)

Look for Page ins/outs number/number
the second number after the / should be 0
if it is not 0 then add memory.

You will see …

spotlight replaces locate

Apple linux technology

years of unix I spent without knowing about the


“fool me once, shame on you” or however GWB would say that.
Now with spotlight in OS X 10.4 this became somewhat redundant.
It was only today that I realized:


is your command line friend. With a command like

mdfind "kMDItemFSName == a.out"

you can easily replicate what

locate a.out

would have done. This works nicely around certain things I don’t like about the spotlight UI: sometimes I only want to see where a given file name might be hiding. Spotlight finds it, of course. However I did not find an easy and intuitve way to only find file names. The UI finds usually to much. And there seems not to be an easy way to get the directory in a copy paste buffer. Command line wins again.
Yeah! for mdutil mdls mdfind and all the others!

damn you apple!


the iBook is broken. Will ship it back, took images of it before. I heard enough stories and experienced a few where machines came back scratched.

I could get my original 15 inch back. Thanks, Method!
There are two problems with that: I could switch ok from the 15″ PB G4 to the 12″ iBook with 100GB and two fingered trackpad

The two finger trackpad is something that you miss even after only a few days. Hence the title of this post: Damn you Apple for inventing things that you really never want to be without anymore.

Of course, now that I am typing this, and the keyboard glows under my fingers again, I do have second thoughts if the iBook G4 was the right decission.

Well, let’s say it has to be.

iBook as in broken

Apple misc

After four nice days the GFX card in the brand new iBook died: The lower third of the screen is covered in vertical stripes. Probably some gfx memory issue.
On hold with Apple. 15 minutes of bad music ahead of me. Sigh.
I hope they just replace the graphics card while I wait. I need those 100GB of harddrive.
And it took me 4 hours to get them transfered to this machine. The official Apple Transfer was showing
me two hours of random progress bars. However in the end it had nothing out of my home directory transfered.
I can not believe that it takes fifteen minutes to get support from Apple. I paid 200 US$ “Apple Care”.
Ok, my gfx card can break in 3 years as well for this kind of money. Still.

second post from the iBook


the first one fell victim to safari (?)
Don’t want to use firefox yet. Copying content over from the old machine manually.

Apples “Transferring Files” failed dismally. 2 hours of erratic progress bar for nothing.

it has arrived


I could have gotten it cheaper but then again, maybe not.

The stampede should be a wake up call to the Apple marketing department. How cheap can they make the iBook?
Would people care if they have a G4 with less than a gigHz and ‘only’ 40GB HD ??
Once OS X get’s unbloated it might even work with 128MB RAM.
How cheap is cheap?