Chome, mac, CPU & chrome_crashpad_handler


Running really old hardware, you know those laptops from Apple with working keyboards, also lets you spot issues quickly: The poor thing is from Mid 2002. How much is that in computer years? 90? 900?

The fan comes on when its CPU needs to go into full use. Unlike there is computation like rendering etc this should not happen. It did. And Activity Monitor showed Chrome. Closed all windows. Still 2 processes going. Closed Chrome, processes and system load, therefor fan noise vanish, and silence comes back into the room. Nice. Starting chrome the fans come back. As well as two processes. I have

as my new tab page. Could they have an issue? Nope: Closing windows again still leaves those two processes hogging the CPU. Looking in the terminal via

ps ax | grep -i chrom

shows buckets of ascii. Always worth glimpsing over it:


Seems like a culprit. When I was googling around to see if I could trash it, or if there would be a chance of a corrupted file Chrome 88.0.4324.96 somehow remedied the situation itself. Good.