pstoedit? Don’t


I hope you have more luck with pstoedit than I just had. It is easy to waste an afternoon on what Wolfgang Glunz has cobbled together. I am sure it is entirely my fault why nothing worked. Neither under OS X, a generic AWS linux install or Windows 10. Error messages are kind a meaningless. One can dive down into indivual ratholes that they each offer. But nothing actually ended up working. All I wanted was to generate a couple of HPGL test files for the Deskjet 750c plus sitting here. It is OK hardware and the size is rather tempting. It works, just that I need to start generating HPGL files now. Which is not so easy in 2020. pstoedit can probably do this. It claims to, and I should not know why it would not. Just that I didn’t see it doing it. The fact that most of the links on the did not work should have been a clear indication.

I am sure there are true gems in those 47969 lines of code that Mr Glunz wrote. Just if it can not be compiled, and if so gets upset about ghostscript issues it is not real helpful.

For me it was a complete waste of time.

But that was my fault. I could have spent a month making it all work. Or, even better, realized that pstoedit is a dead end. If you can make it work out of the box it will probably be awesome. If not: Move along. I have no idea where to. That far I have not gotten yet. There is only so much frustration I can take each day. pstoedit was a quick way to get to todays quota.