11 satellites and one shooting star


I like to look at things. Were it not for clients, family or organs inside my body communicating needs I could pretty much sit everywhere and look. For a rather long time I guess. A moon and cloudless night sky is one of these things that never gets old on me. Lately it got new on me though: Lots of satellites. They used to be not a thing, then they were far in between, now they clutter the sky. Seeing a couple of them at the same time on the firmament is not uncommon. The root of this word is ‘firmare’, which has nothing to do with movement.

I must admit it makes me angry. Fucking billionaires wanting to give everybody Internet through their clusters. If ever there will be a ostracism against those super riches then I will happily write MUSK on that piece of broken ceramic, or whatever we will use to decide who will go into the soup to feed the pour, or at least restore some sense of justice.

I am not very violent. But having the night sky sliced with with his Starlink BS (he is probably too young and ignorant to remember Iridium) devices makes me mad. More than it should …