number of dead people make you look bad?


Simple: just take control of the accounting part. Deaths go down, economy booms. Everybody happy, except for the ones who died a horrible death (Covid is not gentle in that respect), and those who miss them.

It is extremely disconcerting when infection numbers become a subject of spin. If dead people are become an operation field for alternative facts. It started with the number of attendees to his inauguration. Now it is about dead people. Not good.

Specially since if you don’t have good data actually more people die. Data is one of the few weapons you have against that virus right now. It was not necessary to shut the entire country down. If the US would have had tests and data to figure out where the outbreaks are.

Contract tracing and masks is what helps. All over the world. Where it happens numbers are tiny: Taiwan, Japan and Korea have together more than 200 million people. Around 1300 people died there. In total. 9 of them in Taiwan.