as long as the headline is clickable


I don’t know the media landscape in New Zealand. “Herald” sounds somehow trustworthy to me. But they seem to peddle in junk info when they headline:

Covid-19 coronavirus: Superspreader – woman infects 71 people in 60 seconds in elevator: CDC study

It actually happened in China, and it seems that the traveler returning from the US infected only one person in said elevator.

Junk info and clickbait has been a problem during pre Covid days. Now it is on a different level though: Good information is our only weapon against this thing. It spreads. Only thing we can do against it is to spread good information faster so that we can change the way we behave. It does not help when 10% of people do a 200% effort. With other things it does. Pretty much how most societies run and work. Only few women and men came up with the great stuff that muggles like you and me benefit from every second. When mitigating a virus you need to change the way a majority of people works. You need to alter what around 1/3 of people do. The rest will fall in line. Peoples behavior is usually very aligned with that of the people around them. No matter how “individual” people feel or claim to be.