historic perspective


4090 years ago: the fist Chinese dynasty gets established

2200 years ago: the first Chinese dynasty unifies the entire country

280 years ago: Ansons gun ships show up in Guangzhou

162 years ago: China looses the second Opium War. Forcing the country to let the UK sell opium in their country

Yesterday: China sends a barge with a sign, saying that the new security law is awesome for Hong Kong

In 29 years: China will be a ‘fully developed nation’. Also happens to be the 100 year anniversary of the founding of the Peoples Republic

Given the growth of China during the last decades they better slow down, since they might reach that goal ahead of time. Having a goal is very motivating for people. Eventually, people will realize that they are not happy either. Much like every ‘fully developed nation’ did so before. The dystopian surveillance system might have been matured so much by then, that people don’t even realize that they are not happy.