Vitra and VitrA


Of course I knew about Vitra ( – the furniture maker in Weil am Rhein. VitrA I had not heard about. I actually first liked the design of this, well, toilet. Turns out VitrA ( is a Turkish company. I have no idea why, but bathrooms in Turkey are on the highest levels I encountered. Up there with Switzerland. And, yes, I travelled quiet a bit, back when, we, well, were able to do so. And, yes, my body continued to do what it does when I was traveling.

A while ago Vitra cracked down on non licensed Eames products in Europe pretty hard. Luckily Modernica in LA seemednot to get impacted by it.

Usually confusion of brands with similar names is a big deal. Specially when the brand equity is as design heavy as it is without a doubt with Vitra. Even though they have considerable amounts of my money Vitra never lost the villain aspect completely with me. Probably not really justified. But I must admit to be happy about the fact, that the Vitra lawyers did not manage to stop VitrA from selling toilets under exactly that name.

Depicted here is a Vitra Memoria Vitraflush