the missing reason


Aatish Bhatia wrote this wonderful tool that lists new Covid-19 against existing one on two log axes. It can be super informative, since different countries have different policies. By its nature this way of showing the data syncs countries up in terms of the start of the spread. On the left part one can clearly see that there is a very similar initial spread.

Countries like the UK or Canada stop the rise and eventually are able to lower the number of new infections. I could imagine that once masks became the social norm you would see this clear decline. But this is a wild guess.

Sweden is strange, just based on the data it seems to have gone through different phases with different levels of mitigations. I don’t know enough about that countries specific measures to be to able to find reasons for the mix of up and steady movements.

After the US had broken the natural spread it actually looked better than the other countries in this image. Then, suddenly it did no longer. I have not found that anybody made a plausible explanation attempt for this. Unfortunately fact finding is not a goal in itself in the public discourse in the US. As I have written before the right is probably waiting until dead people start piling up again, before they cite the BLM protests as a cause. The left is just using the increase as support for the ‘see, he can’t deal with it’ message. While I agree that he can not really, I still would love to know what caused this pattern.

A pattern that will kill thousands and thousands people in July and August. Unless it is just the sudden brilliance of the US testing industry. Nobody in their right mind would believe that. Sad state that one has to wait for body bags. I will revisit this page August first to see who was right, the man in charge or myself.

Edit: Now it is August 1st. And Covid is killing more than a thousand people in the US every day. There is still no clear reason why this would be, but it happens. F*ing sad to be right. I’d rather be wrong.