bookending the era of “President” Trump


When he came down that escalator it all began. And it ended when his friend Rudy held a press conference. At Four Seasons Total Landscaping. Which was as sketchy as it sounds.

Will this be the last time we heard from that man? Nope. Not at all. He started his political foray with the Birther BS. An outlandish attempt to discredit the legitimacy of the 44th US President. There was never substance. But it got him a kernel of a following. He realized that something being 100% made up is not hurtful in that concept. Au contraire. People will lap this substance free lore up. As long as you please their lower sentiments (“and some -I guess- are good people”).

So we are looking at years of this kind BS on the way out. Undefined slices of the GOP are involved, engaged as well. They are so power hungry that they swallowed all pride and just go along with the junk that flows out of Donalds mental orifices. If it gets them votes their pucker their febrile lips around anything he holds their way.

Birtherism never harmed those who dabbled in it when actual reality and facts folded it back into its ephemeral non existence.

Barack Obama was not born in Kenya. Everybody knew that. All along.

Joe Biden won the election November 3rd 2020. Everybody knows that. But there are careers to be had. There is power to grabbed in the lie that it would be different.

The real problem is that there is no cost to lying. The avalanche of falsehoods that the Whitehouse did peddle in was not helpful. At all.

“We are turning the corner”