looks like a trap to me


Graph from a recent WSJ article. I think by volume of Assets under Management Robinhood is still negligible. Late 1944 with American, British and Russian tanks closing on its borders Nazigermany came up with the idea of the “Volkssturm”. Get men that were still left in the homeland, and that lacked bonespur excuses, and arm them. Old dudes, young kids. Throw them into the final battle. As if it would matter. It did not.

Luckily todays battles are less gory, less deadly. In the end of the bubble (it is one when news outlets keep repeating the word “bull market” a bit too often) you throw in the unwashed masses. Hook them up with an app that lets confetti rain on them when they unlocked accomplishments. And then suck out of their 401k s what you can get.

Calling it Robinhood shows chutzpah. You know, since, well taking from the rich giving to the poor.

Or to illustrate it with a technical drawing: