

What John Gruber said. Facebook is a cesspit for broken thinking. There always has been broken thinking. And unbroken thinking too: Chances are you can walk up to a wall in your dwellings, turn a knob and water will start flowing. Sometimes you can control the temperature too. That is proof that there has been unbroken thinking. That kind of thing does not just appear. It gets made by people. With specific and educated actions. Things like QAnon might resonate with feelings that people have. But they do not further man kind. There is no benefit for anybody in these kind of things.

Mark Zuckerberg has responsibility here. He built something that billions of people use. What happens to these people in his system is part of his responsibility. It will be a very sad day for him when he eventually realizes what he has done. But then again lots of people never realized how they f*d mankind.

But history will not smile on Zuck. Thats for sure.