Principles by Ray Dalio


I am usually suspect of people like Ray Dalio. Not because he is very rich. But he seems to have the material that cult leaders are made from. If you look for somebody to follow then he could be a candidate. I still enjoyed “Principles: Life and Work”. It is long, and the later part is more a manual for people working for him than a book for public. But he builds a mostly coherent case for a specific view on humans and – which is not that common – derives from his insights clear guidelines on how to structure interactions. The book is interesting in this respect. I don’t agree on all points, others are really valuable. I am already sad that I forgot so many of them. I am not aspiring to make as much money as he did. But I imagine that if I would have remembered one or another of his Principles and put them to work I might end up this decade being richer than I would have otherwise.

It is a wonderful gesture that Mr Dalio takes the time to write all this down. He does not have to. He does not have to do anything. That he put all the work in to document his process is really amazing.

I would recommend giving what he has to say some attention.