
was the year that the last TV was made in the USA. Seems to have been AKAI branded. Akai, the japanese company, had been defunct in 2002, while inMusic would only pick up the brand 7 years later. The picture here is from the history of Magnavox page. Which I found since I wondered about their defense division “Magnavox Electronic Systems”. Min Kao had worked there, when Gary Burrell recruited him to work for King radio. In 1989 then both started Garmin which made them very rich. Garmin employs 13,000 people and seems to have malware problems right now.

There is a story here: People from defense tech, starting a big successful thing based on GPS that decades later gets kneecapped by some Russian hackers with generic ransomware. A bit like stopping a tank with sticky tape. In tech that is possible it seems.