Golf 7 and bluetooth


Bluetooth is everywhere. In all sorts of flavors and configurations and capabilities. Our Golf 7 is the absolute nadir of the my user experience though. With Apple and Android handys alike connection is super slow to establish and sketchy.

We tried to update the car software. Kind of makes sense: After a couple of years and millions built, sold and driven it might be that ‘new shit came to light’ as the Big Lebowski would have said it.

The latest software took a while to download and install. Did not change anything. We asked Volkswagen (this was early 2019, but bluetooth still is troubling) and they told that everything would be in perfect harmony and there would be no updates.

Not surprisingly VW canned the head of their software division with the rather strange name

Not over bluetooth. They have bigger fish to try. But the attitude that the company seems to have towards software is not surprising, given how they handle software updates for mundane but also frequently used things like bluetooth.