Thinking in Bets


Annie Duke is a professional poker player. And she wrote a book with the complete title: “Thinking in Bets: Making Smarter Decisions When You Don’t Have All the Facts”. I enjoyed it a great deal. Yes, at times it feels a bit redundant. But I don’t mind: She points out important flaws in our reasoning. Hearing things more than once is OK with me. It’s not that I would live already what she points out. I had the good fortune to read “Lucky or Smart” by Bo Peabody 15 years ago. It is a great little book, and I really am thankful that I got to read it before I happened to have what people would call success.

“Thinking in Bets” has a broader scope. It looks at decision making and where we really and generally suck at it. She also points out what we can do about it. I like it. I hope to remember what I have learned.

For me the trouble with great books like this one is that I listen to it, understand most of it. Agree with it. Spend a couple of times to implement some things. And then next thing comes along. And the work leaves vestiges at best. I should probably listen to books again instead of jumping on new ones. But they are all so interesting …