it cuts both ways


The UK has a rather reasonable list of countries from which returning travelers are excempt from the need of 14 days of self isolation.

China is not on there, which probably can be seen as political rather than medical. I imagine Boris wielding a sharpie.

Speaking of populists, I wonder if anybody ever will bring up the existence of the US on so many travel restriction lists all over the globe to that man who’s core claim of greatness of virus response is that travel ban from China a couple of days after Italy had done so. Yes, that Italy that went though hell in the beginning of the year, and that thankfully seems to have emerged from it. Since it did a brutal lock down. I have emotional scars from just observing it via web cams. I have no idea how hard it must have felt from within a small Apartment somewhere. Same with people in Spain. It gets to show that normal people can be absolute heroes. I am so glad that their sacrifices seemed to have been worth it.

Related: One Mile at a Time writes, as usual insightful and interesting, about an AA executive that seems to have dodged the 14 day rule. Not a good look for American Airlines. But they are pretty much a thing of the past at this point anyway. Eventually the big 3 ones will get thrown into ‘Liberty-Air’ or whatever the US is gonna call the merged national carrier that tax payers will have paid 7 times over when this is all said and done.