The limit of our imagination


We might think that we can imagine stuff that is not outlandish enough. Looking at what kind of things people come up with I think that that is not the real limit. The real limit is that we fail to understand how little of the total possibilities we covered with our thoughts. As an individual as much as a species.

2020 being half done it is fair to say that there could be anybody who could claim that it was going according to his plans so far. And it wont return to normal by the time its over either.

The realization of not having the faintest clue about the future elicits fear in most people. Actually it should not: The stuff we can’t imagine is not inherently bad, neither is it is inherently good. As much as good and stuff happened in the past it will in the future. Just that what will happen does not need to be the same than that that already did.