Ankermann PC


I wondered how much a Windows10 PC with SSD would be. Turns out in June 2020 200 EUR at Amazon is all I needed to pay for a black box described as:

Ankermann Business Work Silent leise PC
PC Intel CPU 2X 2.70 Ghz dual Core HD Graphic 
8GB RAM 240GB SSD Windows 10 PRO Office Professional

Got here when it should. Was well packaged. Didn’t smell. Even came with a DVI to VGA adapter. Yes, it makes a tiny little bit of noise. But otherwise I can not complain. Lots of connections, card slots, DVD recorder. Windows10 pro worked fine, Office is pre installed and licensed as well. For what I want to do this will probably be do just great.

EDIT1: The machine did everything it was supposed to do. Time to try some more stuff. Fusion 360 installed, but was sluggish and rightfully complaining about the graphics adapter. Da Vinci Resolve kinda installed (itself and lots of other things). After a couple of reboots that were required it said that it was not able to run. Which is totally fine. A small standalone app that could quickly check a machine configuration in respect to the Resolve requirements would probably a neat addition. Also helpful for support etc. It would pay for itself if it would generate links to purchase things that can improve the specific situation. It would run and spit out what you currently could do with your configuration. It would show you what you could do if you would upgrade CPU, Gfx, disk system. And it could tell Blackmagic Design what people are running their wonderful software on.

I ended up adding a GT 7100 with 2GB for 50 EUR. Fusion is much happier and snappier (which makes me happier) Resolve did install and launch. Haven’t worked with it at this point. The system boots into 4K right away and looks decent.

Inserting the card I was surprised how the case is built around so much air. The whole system would fit into a 40% of the current volume. Funny that a larger case is the cheaper thing.