One would think that Delta would know by now how to run an online booking system.
Seems not to be the case.
Just booked a flight. In the end the system told me that I took to long and that I should start over.
But I did.
Succeeded the second time.
When I checked my credit card statement I saw both the failed and the successful one on there.
The credit card company could not help.
Delta eventually credited the redundant flight. So they claim. It takes “7 to 10 business days” to charge this back.
Spent 1 hour with them on the phone to undo this.
I don’t need something complicated. I am just looking to buy a flight. Online. And maybe in one attempt.
This has been a seriously underwhelming experience. I think that “Delta” should start setting money aside to do a “Pacbell”.
Rebranding is probably gonna cheaper than trying to increase customer service or getting their systems to work properly and
to regain customers back the old fashioned way.