sar from the sysstat modules is nice. I think it keeps about a weeks worth of history around. I’d like to have more than that. There might even be a command lines switch to do that. But often it is just faster to write what you need when you can type with reasonable speed. This script will copy all sa files into a directory called /var/log/allsa in the form saYEARMONTHDATE. So today’s sa file I can access forever via
sar -f /var/log/allsa/sa20090822
The script only cares about files that are older than a day. So it will take between 24 and 48 hours that the files appear in their final destination.
# This will keep all daily sa files readable via saw.
# It seems to be a shame to # throw them away.
# A year worth of sa files is about 113 MB for my machines
# This script is meant to run daily. It probably needs root permissions.
# use as much as you like. No Warranties or promises. Your problem if it eats your machine.
# Andreas Wacker, 090822
use strict ;
my $sourcedir = "/var/log/sa";
my $targetdir = "/var/log/allsa";
if (! -d "$sourcedir"){
die "can not find directory $sourcedir for sa files";
if (! -d "$targetdir"){
system ("mkdir -p $targetdir");
if (! -d "$targetdir"){
die "was unable to create $targetdir. $0 would need it to proceed ";
opendir (INDIR , $sourcedir) or die "unable to read directory $sourcedir";
my @allfiles = readdir (INDIR);
close (INDIR);
foreach my $file (@allfiles){
if ($file =~ /^sa[0-9]+$/){
my $completefilepath = "$sourcedir/$file";
my $mtime = (stat $completefilepath)[9];
my $dayage = (time() - $mtime ) / ( 3600 * 24 ) ;
if ($dayage > 1){
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime ( $mtime);
my $datestring = sprintf ( "%d%0d%02d" , $year + 1900, $mon + 1, $mday);
my $targetfilepath = "$targetdir/sa$datestring";
if (! -f "$targetfilepath"){
#print "$file $dayage $datestring\n";
system ("cp -p $completefilepath $targetfilepath");
if (! -f "$targetfilepath"){
die "tried to copy from $completefilepath to $targetfilepath and it did not work. This is a very bad sign!";
if (((stat $completefilepath)[7]) != ((stat $targetfilepath)[7])){
die "file sized for $completefilepath and what should have been a copy $targetfilepath did not match. Not good!";